We have our OWN place to chat now. Both Cast Chat and DM are live in the app! We can now truly centralize on our app, rather than relying on other social media channels. This is a big deal. Please invite your friends and have fun: justiceforhire.app.
ALSO, Hero Meetup (number 18! or XVIII) is going down this Saturday, June 12 at 2pm EST. This is an important step for our growing cast. We will share how anyone around the world can make an appearance in an upcoming episode of Justice For Hire (filming this June in NYC) without leaving their hometowns. Any and all are welcome to attend, even if you’re not yet in our cast. RSVP here.

Last but not least— With the help of WarnerMedia’s Urban Action Showcase last weekend, we celebrated three members of our cast. Avél Juliette, Vincent Chen, and Z Peoples each created their own short episode of JFH, portraying their respective characters Elixir, Vintij, and Guru Mer Kaba. Watch the full panel here.
Hope to see you Saturday. Until then.